Texas Speech Communication Association

Texas Speech Communication Journal

Call for Manuscripts

Deadline (extended): February 28, 2025

Submissions are not currently being accepted.

Texas Speech Communication Journal

Volume 49

Call for Manuscripts

The Texas Speech Communication Journal issues a call for papers that focus on research in human communication. Contributors may approach topics from multiple perspectives, contexts, and methodologies supported within the discipline. Manuscripts should be received no later than February 28, 2025. Texas Speech Communication Journal (TSCJ) follows a policy of blind review so no author identification should appear in the abstract and body of the manuscript.

Manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages, including references and figures, and should be written according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). The manuscript and title page should be submitted to the Texas Speech Communication Association website on the Journal page (https://etsca.com/journal.asp). Sumbissions should be divided into the following two (Microsoft Word) documents:

1. Title Page - should include the author's name(s), academic position, institutional affiliation, full mailing address, telephone number, email address, brief author biography, and a history of the manuscript (presentation at conferences).

Title page should also indicate the following:

  1. Methodology/Analysis Technique: (include all that apply)
    Content Analysis
    Qualitative analysis
    Quantitative analysis
    Rhetorical criticism

  2. Communication Context (keywords that describe your manuscript's area of study)

2. Abstract and Manuscript - An abstract of not more than 150 words should accompany the manuscript. The author should also include keywords for the articles. No author identification should appear in this document. Incomplete manuscripts will be automatically rejects. Include all tables, graphs, appendices, etc.

The Texas Speech Communication Journal (TSCJ) is a state journal published by the Texas Speech Communication Association. The TSCJ produces one print issue per academic year, which seeks to publish original scholarship that makes a contribution to the studies of human communication. An external committee blind reviews all submissions. The journal has a 25% acceptance rate.

Acceptance/Rejection Notices: Sent out early to mid April 2025.

Submissions should be uploaded to the Texas Speech Communication Association website (https://etsca.com/journal.asp).

Submissions are not currently being accepted.

Queries should be sent via email to:

TSCJ Editor, Amanda Jo Ratcliff, Ph.D.
Tyler Junior College
email: tscjeditor@etsca.com

Deadline (extended): February 28, 2025

Texas Speech Communication Journal

Current issues of the Texas Speech Communication Journal are available for purchase. Cost is $50.00 per issue for non-members and $25.00 per issue for members. Members may purchase their journal when registering for yearly convention.

Contact Journal Editor Amanda Jo Ratcliff to order copies. In your email request, include date, quantity desired, name, and mailing address to which journals are to be sent.

Send payment (checks should be made payable to the Texas Speech Communication Association) to:

TSCA Executive Secretary
5600 Bell Street, Suite 105 # 278
Amarillo, TX 79109


The College/University Division of the Texas Speech Communication Association invites faculty submissions dealing with all areas of communication for the 2025 annual convention. Click here to view the full call and find the online submission form.
The Texas Speech Communication Association invites submissions of papers, panels, posters and speeches by undergraduate and graduate students for its 2025 annual convention. Click here to view the full call and find the online submission form.
Congratulations go to Heather Soltero our new Vice-President Elect. Read more about Heather here.
2025 Convention

Navigating Complexity: Equipping educators and students with the tools to navigate and communicate in a complex world.

Date:October 2-4, 2025
Location: Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Convention Center
777 Watters Creek Boulevard
Allen, TX 75013
(469) 675-0800