Lesson Plan Type |
Standard |
Estimated Time |
5-6 class periods |
Grade |
9th-12th Grades |
Author |
Mellessa Denny, Ann Shofner, Susan Stafford, Jennifer Zinn |
Instructional Plan
Materials: youtube video entitled Monty Python Silly Job Interview; interview notes handout, job descriptions handout, interview assignment handout and a 3X5 notecard.
Hook: Play the video from youtube then discuss in class what was unusual about this job interview.
Lesson: Hand out the interview handout. Use the power point on Interviewing (Interviewing new power point under Documents) to teach the definitions of interviewing and what matters in an interview. Have students fill in the blanks on the handout ( see Interview Notes in Documents). Discuss interview situations that the teacher has experienced. Ask students to talk about interviews they have experienced.
Guided Practice: Divide the class into 6 groups. Assign each group one of the following topic areas to research:
Preparing for the interview
Dressing and grooming
Nonverbal communication
Answering questions
Illegal questions
Asking questions
Each group should prepare a power point presentation on their topic area. The goal of your group is to create a Top 10 list of suggestions on your assigned area. Presentations should be no more than 5 slides and should include guidelines for each area. Allow 2 days for research time, planning and finalizing the power point. Students will present their power points in class on the third day. All students should participate in the presentation.
As each group gives their presentation, the teacher will elaborate on the topic area and cover information that students may have left out. Remind students that they should be taking notes during the presentations.
Independent Practice: Students will be assigned the task of picking a job from the job descriptions (see Job Descriptions in Documents) then answer the questions on the interview assignment page (see Interview Assignment in Documents).
Closure: On a 3x5 notecard, explain how you might be better prepared for a job interview now. Turn the notecard in before leaving class.